Desk phone and notebook


Reduced costs, featured rich functionality and low maintenance

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, enabling calls over the internet, has surged in popularity as a communication tool for numerous businesses and organisations. Beyond data transmission, it serves as a transformative technology that enhances and streamlines various business applications.

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One of the biggest advantages of switching to VoIP is the cost savings your business will achieve

Using a VoIP phone is much cheaper than conventional analogue systems, with the fact that you are using the internet to make phone calls. This is also great for companies making long distance phone calls, as there is no longer a need for several teams to manage a data network, and another to manage a voice network.

voip phone

Some of the standard features you can get with VoIP include Caller ID, Call Forwarding, and 3-way calling. You pay less money by switching and get all these great features on top.

No need to continue giving out multiple contact details. Callers are able to contact you on your main business number wherever you are, no matter what device you are using.

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