Mobile network tower shown in sky

Cellular Boosters

Make poor cellular coverage a thing of the past

If you struggle to maintain a mobile phone signal in your office, business premises, home or regularly experience the line breaking up during calls, then a Signal Booster can help solve cellular coverage problems for voice and data. Some of our products can achieve up to 1000x more gain than traditional systems. Our Cel-Fi products are licence exempt and fully meet Ofcom requirements. Products include:

Cel-Fi SOLO box

Cel-Fi SOLO improves 3G/4G/LTE cellular service by eliminating dead zones and dropped calls. With up to 100dB of gain, it is the most powerful carrier grade solution available. The Cel-Fi SOLO covers up to 1,500 square metres of indoor space per system. Configure with included donor and server antennas, or expand options with outdoor or multiple server antennas. This business and residential solution is ideal for use in commercial properties, government buildings, small manufacturing, warehouses, offices, retail outlets, rural areas, and large homes.

UK Network Support:

EE | O2 | Three | Vodafone and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) hosted by main networks **.

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Key Features:

  • Maximum Gain: Industry Leading 3G/4G/LTE Voice and Data
  • Best Performance: Smart Signal Booster with IntelliBoost® Chipset Smart Technology
  • Cellular Coverage: Scalable Solution for up to 1500 m2 per System
  • Ease of Setup: Quick Install or Advanced Install with Additional Antennas
  • Cel-Fi WAVE: Setup and Management App
  • Network Safe: Carrier Approved
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Cel-Fi QUATRA box

Cel-Fi QUATRA is an active DAS hybrid solution for delivering high quality in-building cellular coverage. It combines the best of active DAS and the Cel-Fi technologies that have been widely adopted by carriers around the world. It operates in off-air mode or can be integrated with carrier small cell equipment and operated in distributed small cell mode, creating a Supercell. Cel-Fi QUATRA can be configured with components, for single or multi-carrier environments.

UK Network Support:

EE | O2 | Three | Vodafone and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) hosted by main networks **.

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Key Features:

  • Highest Coverage Gain: With 1000x more gain than traditional systems, Cel-Fi QUATRA delivers a stronger signal and provides a larger coverage footprint in environments where the incoming signal is weak. This ensures the strongest possible signal is sent to the inside antennas.
  • Highest Downlink Power: With 4x more downlink power than traditional systems, QUATRA ensures the strongest signal is sent to inside antennas to provide the largest coverage footprint.
  • Highest Uplink Power: 2x more uplink power than traditional systems allow for a stronger signal transmission to the tower to maximize user capacity and increase the range from the cell site.
  • Multi-Carrier 3G / 4G / LTE Voice and Data: Cel-Fi is the only cellular coverage solution available with up to 100 dB off-air gain and single or multi-carrier support for 3G / 4G / LTE Voice and Data. Each Carrier has dedicated maximized gain enhancement; no sharing limited bandwidth between carriers.
  • Supercell Mode: QUATRA systems can be connected to a single small cell, or multiple small cells, to form a coordinated Supercell. Supercells provide uniform access to the capacity introduced by the small cell, and are preferred by carriers in densely populated and high traffic areas.
  • All Digital Cat5e PoE Solution: No need to deal with signal loss from coax, or the high costs of Fiber. Use existing dedicated Cat5e lines, or simply drop new ones without permits or difficult trenching. Cat5e is an easy to deploy, all digital solution that also delivers power from NU to CU.
  • Built for Installers: Cel-Fi QUATRA ships with installer tools that simplify the planning process, equipment selection, and antenna aiming to automate the hard math calculations of RF Planning and eliminate the complexity of specifying the system for the unique venue requirements.
  • Setup, Maintenance, and Remote Management: Cel-Fi provides the WAVE Portal application for easy setup, provisioning, and management via a Smart Phone or Cloud Portal, providing quick access to install and help your customers faster.
  • Network Safe and Carrier Approved: Cel-Fi products are built on an advanced Intelliboost technology to deliver the strongest possible signal when and where needed. As the environment changes, Cel-Fi changes with it, without shutdown or interruption. Cel-Fi has partnered with carriers around the world to distribute their signal at the safest and highest levels, guaranteeing consistent coverage.
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Cel-Fi PRIME box

With 80 dB of gain, Cel-Fi PRIME will not only improve cellular coverage, it will also reduce your cell phone’s power requirements and extend its battery life. PRIME offers plug-and-play cellular enabling clear and reliable connections within the coverage area – approximately up to 1,200 ft2 (110 m2) of coverage, more in open areas.

UK Network Support:

EE | Three and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) hosted by main networks **.

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Key Features:

  • Smart Signal Booster
  • 70 – 100dB system gain
  • Up to 1,200 ft2 (110 m2) of Coverage
  • Clean and compact industrial design
  • Plug and play simple installation
  • Carrier Approved for 3G / 4G / LTE for Voice and Data
  • Unconditionally Network Safe
  • Remote Monitoring and Management via Cel-Fi WAVE Platform
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We can advise on the right system to meet your needs and any regional considerations regarding regulatory controls.

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* Signal Boosters will amplify the 4G / LTE signal only if 4G / LTE is supported by your network. Please check for 4G coverage with your operator.

** Not all Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) support all features offered by the hosting Network in which case the product may not be supported - please check with us if unsure. Network support correct at time of publishing.

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