Kenwood NXR-5800E
UHF (400 - 470 MHz) NEXEDGE Digital & FM Conventional Repeater / Base Units
Over 7 times faster and with 15 times more capacity than the previous models, the Kenwood NXR-5800E Repeater represents a breakthrough in performance.
Extensive data storage means the NXR5800E can support everything from analogue/digital conventional Type-C Trunking Generation 1 (Gen1) systems up to a highly sophisticated NEXEDGE Generation 2 (Gen2) multi-site digital trunked network.
Key Features
- USB Interface
- Built in 0.5 PPM TCXO
- NXDN™ Digital Air Interface
- Digital Trunking or Multi-Site Network Mode via Software Licenses
- NXDN™ Digital Scrambler
- Mixed Analogue FM/Digital Operation
- FM Conventional Mode
- RF link capability
- 6 Programmable Function Keys
Product Variants
NXR-5800E - UHF, 5 - 25W, 30 Channels
External Speakers
External Speaker, requires KAP-2
Key Features
- Requires KAP-2 or KCT-72M installed
Hand Microphones
Hand Microphone - Replaced KMC-30M
Key Features
- Replaces KMC-30
- Basic, non-keypad microphone
- UTP RJ45 connector
Desktop Microphone
Control Station Desktop Microphone
Key Features
- 8-pin modular connector
DVSI AMBE+2 Vocoder for IP digital voice dispatch
Key Features
- USB interface
KXK-3 M3
High-stability OCXO unit – 0.1ppm. (1 per site)
Key Features
- Required for 6.25kHz Trunking Operations
- For use with NXR-800K3 Repeater Only
- 1 x KXK-3M required per site
- 0.5 ppm Stability for FCC applications
Repeater Monitor Software
Key Features
- Windows-based NEXEDGE Repeater Monitoring software
- Allows remote IP monitoring of all repeaters on an NXDN single-site or multi-site trunked network, as well as NXDN conventional networks
- System alerts and alarms in multiple formats - audible, e-mail or SMS
- Can use customers' own .WAV alert files Auto logging
iPhone/iPad Monitoring App (From Apple Store)
Key Features
- Apple iOS-based NEXEDGE app for use with KPG-149RM Repeater Monitoring software
- Provides warning of alarm conditions on the monitored repeater, in NXDN trunking or conventional IP systems
- System alerts for Reception, Transmission, Temperature, Fan, Power Supply and Connection parameters
- App for iPhone/iPad/iPad Mini - free download from the Apple App store
- Auto logging to CSV format file