WS™ ProTac XPI FLX2 Headset with Headband - MT15H7AWS6-111

The 3M™ PELTOR™ WS™ ProTac XPI Headset is a hearing protector equipped with level dependent function and Bluetooth® Multipoint connectivity. A FLX2 accessory jack allows for connection to a range of two way radios or an extra non Bluetooth enabled device.

The FLX2 system means you only need to replace the cable if you update or change your radio manufacturer, not the expensive part, the Headset.

Key Features

    • Hearing Protection Style Earmuffs
    • Net Weight (Metric) 375 g
    • Microphone Class/Type Dynamic
    • Battery Life 45 Hours
    • Battery Type AA or Rechargeable NiMH Pack
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