900 2TALK Headset

Hands-free full duplex encrypted conversations between headsets up to 200 metres apart

With a noise cancelling microphone, our 900 2TALK Headset allows 2 users with matched headsets to hold natural, full duplex two way conversations at a range of up to 200 metres.

No Shouting, No Hand Signals, No Downtime

Many activities in the workplace require distraction free concentration with no room for error.

With no buttons to press or hold, simply switch the headset on, talk and work. 900 2TALK Headsets are suitable for a wide range of applications, helping improve communication, safety and productivity.

Key Features

    • Hands-free communication
    • Full Duplex conversations
    • Noise cancelling technology
    • Bluetooth pairing
    • Flashing LED operation
    • Easily replaceable components

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900 2Talk Brochure
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