M210 OBD Device

Track and manage your fleet of cars and LCVs

Featuring a high-sensitivity GPS for reliable tracking, the M210 plugs into the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port to capture vehicle data.

The device will also let you capture maintenance codes, which can be reported on in the online portal in order to keep your vehicles road safe. You can also receive a detailed report to better your drivers driving, including a score based on harsh braking and acceleration, speeding and idling.

Using the app, drivers can submit a walkaround vehicle check, mileage claims, and view their own scores, helping you to streamline your process. 

Key Features

    • Get a self-install device that also gives you rich telematics data
    • Enhance fleet performance by tracking vehicle location and utilisation
    • Improve driver behaviour by monitoring speeding, harsh events and idling
    • Practice better vehicle care by reacting to maintenance codes straight from the vehicle
    • Improve safety measures and reduce FNoL with incident detection

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M210 Specifications
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