
Ninehundred Communications has its own team of Installation Engineers that carry out installation, service and maintenance across the UK.

Knowledgeable and experienced, they are often the front line of our business. In addition to having good product and technical knowledge our Installation Engineers have undergone a range of training to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation.

Crane lift

Installation Engineers

Benefit from complete peace of mind with the knowledge that our engineers have undergone various integral training and checks, dependant on the nature of the install our engineers hold the following training:

  • ECS Cards (Various electrical work in CCTV, security)
  • Ladders and Harnesses – Industry Standard
  • IPAF 3a/3b (Cherry Picker/Scissor Lift)
  • IPAF 1b (Towable trailer mount)
  • Enhanced DBS Checked

Radio Installation

Over the years we have invested in the right facilities, resources and employed the right people to ensure we do much more than sell or hire two way radio equipment. We provide our customers with expert advice, product choice and high levels of support to ensure that your radio system we supply is fit for purpose, affordable and that aftercare services are tailored to ensure you get the very best from your two way radio system and associated equipment.

Our customers can choose to have an on-site engineer to ensure that your event runs smoothly. We will also go to the site for any repairs necessary to help you get back up and running as soon as possible.

Radio SystemsContact Us

Top image-Workshop engineers soldering a circuitboard. Middle image-900PTT radio sreen. Bottom image-Installation engineer installing a radio unit into a vehicle

OVerhead view of a truck stop with a laptop monitor showing cctv monitoring overlaid

CCTV, Systems and Alarms

Our Security division engineers are fully trained to install a range of products from our flexible CCTV systems to Fire Alarms and Public Address Systems. From design to installation our team of experts are there for you all the way.

We hold a wide range of partnerships and accreditations within our Security Division, some examples of these are:

  • SSAIB - Access Control / CCTV / Intruder Alarms
  • Hikvision Silver Partner
  • Commend – accredited and an authorised installer

CCTV Systems

In-Vehicle Tracking and Telematics

Vehicle tracking has evolved to do much more than locate a vehicle. Intelligent telematics systems monitor driving styles, fuel usage, route deviation and more. We install hard wired and battery powered solutions. We also install Tracker Locate Stolen Vehicle Recovery systems.

  • Fixed
  • Portable
  • Driver Feedback Displays
  • Stellite Navifation
  • Cars, Vans, Trucks, Plant, Boats, Caravans and more

Tracking Systems

In-Vehicle Mobile Phones

We've been fitting carphones and mobile phone car kits since they came out in the 1980s. Whilst many new vehicles are now fitted with Bluetooth phone conenctivity as standard, there is still a demand for "handsfree" connections to mobiles phones.

  • Hardwired
  • Bluetooth
  • Radio Mute options
  • Cars, Vans, Trucks, Plant and more

Mobile Phone Services

Image 1-Man installing radio unit into car. Image 2-Person using a vehicle touchscreen
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