Motorola NNTN8747A

Wireless Overt Audio Kit for Fast PTT, Black

Key Features

Set contains the following:

  • NNTN8298A - Wireless Earbud, 2 Wire
  • NNTN8737A - Commercial Earbud Headset Adapter

Option to use the Direct Connect Wireless Earbud with In-Line Mic OR the 3.5mm jack in the Commercial Headset Adapter with your own commercial Headset (Eg. iPhone style Headphones)

Compatible with: DM4400 / DM4400e / DM4401 / DM4401e / DM4600 / DM4600e / DM4601 / DM4601e / DP3400 / DP3401 / DP3441 / DP3441e / DP3600 / DP3601 / DP3661e / DP4401 / DP4401e / DP4601 / DP4601e / DP4801 / DP4801e / SL2600 / SL4000 / SL4000e / SL4010 / SL4010e

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