Hytera CHV09

Vehicle Power Adapter

Powered by the vehicle lighter

Key Features

  • Operating voltage - 11V to 25V DC
  • Output 12V / 1A
  • Output interface - DC tuning forl connector
  • Plug type - cigarette lighter
  • Operating temperature - 0°C to 45°C
  • Storage temperature - -40°C to 70°C

Compatible with: BD555 / HP505 / HP565 / HP715Ex / HP795Ex / PD405 / PD415 / PD485 / PD505 / PD505LF / PD565 / PD605 / PD665 / PD685 / PD705 / PD705G / PD705LT / PD715Ex / PD755 / PD755G / PD785 / PD785G / PD795Ex / PD795IS / Power 446 / TC-320 446 / TC-610 / TC-620 / TC-700P / X1p

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